Local news, Porsgrunn center | Jane grins, but everything is not rosy: – Still have to do it every year


The driver of Sailors Inn, Jane Luggens, has been given the green light to set up her colourful, fenced outdoor dining area on the pavement once again, as well as being allowed to serve alcoholic beverages there.

– The search process this time took far too long, but I’m very happy now, says Luggens.

On Wednesday 1 May she received the happy news, on Thursday the outdoor furniture and the pink fences were already in place.

– On Saturday morning I painted the flower boxes, and then there were several people who in passing said they were looking forward to using my outdoor seating in the future. Now all that remains is a bit of painting, decorating and a final finish, then it will be nice here, you’ll see, Luggens laughs.

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Costs 5,000 a year

To put it mildly, she has stood on the barricades for this pink outdoor dining area since 2019, but says that the fight against the municipality has paid off, even if it costs her NOK 5,000 a year.

– It should be free to decorate the sidewalks and make the center more lively, but I blow the money. The worst part is all the bureaucracy. Previously, I had to apply twice a year. First for permission to have outdoor seating until September, and then for permission to keep it going until 5 November, Luggens says.

This year, she once again tried to apply for permanent permission to have outdoor seating in the relevant period/season, without having to go through a paper mill every single year.

“Unfortunately, we cannot comply with your request for a more permanent permit, but we are sending over a lease agreement for the 2024 season,” writes Porsgrunn municipality in its response.

A little rosy

Even if the municipality does its part to maintain the bureaucracy for Jane Luggens and other traders in the city centre, at least the pub driver experiences a small bright spot in the whole

– From now on, I won’t have to apply twice a year to have outdoor seating until 5 November. It’s a small victory, smiles Jane Luggens.

She has no doubt that standing out a little, in terms of the color of the outdoor seating, has put Porsgrunn on the world map in recent years.

– Among other things, I have had tourists here who worked for an Australian travel magazine, and who wanted me to take pictures of them. In addition, there have been several celebrities who have sent pictures of themselves to family members and friends both in South Africa and London and more, so it must be good advertising for Porsgrunn, says Luggens.

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The article is in Norwegian

Tags: Local news Porsgrunn center Jane grins rosy year


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