Free speech, Opinions | Reply to Reidar Rennemo-Melsom

Free speech, Opinions | Reply to Reidar Rennemo-Melsom
Free speech, Opinions | Reply to Reidar Rennemo-Melsom

Opinions This is a debate post. The post expresses the writer’s views.

I want to start by saying that it is always sad to lose members, regardless of their reason for opting out. We take that seriously and we are happy for your explanation of the decision. Then we have something to work with.

It is absolutely correct that you write that much of the growth in Rødt comes from voters who think the Labor Party has moved too far to the right. The growth of Rødt also comes from those who over the years have worked tirelessly and long-term to make Rødt a people’s movement against a Norway of difference.

In Rødt there will be room for those who come from other parties, those who call themselves communists, socialists and social democrats and everyone else who feels at home in our party.

You write that you think Rødt central and local should put the fight for the welfare state first. And that it means putting something else aside. We believe that societies built on cooperation and equality are fairer than societies based on capitalist competition. Because community works. That is why the fight against difference-Norge Rødt’s most important issue.

I mean Rødt Halden, through our budget, our election program and through our work in the municipal council and committee, always speaks for those who need a strong welfare state the most. The dismantling of the welfare state is and must always be our primary cause of struggle.

You think that foreign policy and identity politics take up too much space. Here I disagree. There are many reasons why one takes an interest in politics and then joins a political party. For me it was about anti-imperialism, anti-racism and international solidarity.

Red must actively support the work of others against oppression, whether it concerns the struggle of Palestinians or the struggle of American workers against welfare cuts. We shall support anti-war movements and anti-imperialist movements nationally and internationally and strengthen the fight for self-determination, democracy, women’s liberation and equality for all. I am proud of that!

I hope you continue to get involved, Halden needs it. And you are of course most welcome to return later.

Linn Elisabeth Rokke Andersen, manager Rødt Halden

The article is in Norwegian


Tags: Free speech Opinions Reply Reidar RennemoMelsom


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