Strong pollen spread in Eastern Norway – NRK Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio


This year’s pollen season started with a bang.

From winter one moment, it suddenly became almost summer the next.

The Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association (NAAF) warns about extreme spread of birch pollen. The spread is strong in large parts of the country, but Eastern Norway is particularly affected.

The combination of a long winter, a “slow” spring and sudden warm weather and dry air means that we get this extreme spread.

Goes beyond the eyes and nose

According to NAAF, around one million Norwegians have a pollen allergy.

Elias Sørheim from Brumunddal is one of them. He talks about troublesome days:

– You can generally feel it well in the eyes. I sneeze extremely much, and my nose is very itchy all the time, he says.

Sørheim notices it well on a daily basis in that he can also quickly get tired. It is particularly bad now this year.

– Much worse than it used to be, he says.

Having a pollen allergy in these times is devastating to the quality of life, says Elias Sørheim.

Photo: Stein Eide / NRK

– Not easy to understand

Gunn Rauken, regional secretary of NAAF, is well aware of the symptoms that Sørheim mentions.

But maybe not everyone is.

– For those who do not have it themselves, and have felt it on their body, so it is not so easy to understand how the body works in this season here, says Rauken.

If you are very bothered by a pollen allergy, it is wise to be open with your employer about reduced work capacity. And if you are going to take the exam, you can apply for extra time to complete it, advises Gunn Rauken.

Photo: Stein Eide / NRK

She also has a pollen allergy, but does not notice the spread of pollen as badly as others – she does pollen vaccination.

– So I feel relatively well. But before that it inhibited me a lot. You become very restless and tired and fatigued, and it goes beyond work and everything, she says.

Rauken has an appeal for those who struggle with pollen allergies, and that is to follow the advice of NAAF.

– If you follow them, you will have a better everyday life, at least.

More than allergy sufferers will notice the spread of pollen

According to Torgeir Storaas, ear, nose and throat doctor and head of the regional allergy center at Helse Vest, researchers actually do not know why some become allergic to pollen.

– But our body perceives the pollen grain as foreign proteins, and a possible threat. Therefore, the body makes antibodies against these pollen grains.

Is pollen season bothering you?

Pollen hvaforno??


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