Today’s horoscope: – Today’s horoscope: Monday 29 April

Today’s horoscope: – Today’s horoscope: Monday 29 April
Today’s horoscope: – Today’s horoscope: Monday 29 April

HEvery day, our astrologer Sol will give you an insight into the future. Are you curious about love, work, finances, friends or perhaps family? Let your zodiac sign guide you. Pssst, here you will find our weekly horoscope.

Below you will find the horoscope for Monday 29 April.


Born: March 21–20 April

The planet of Aries, Mars, still wanders rough terrain under the influence of the planet of chaos and fantasy, Neptune. In other words, it is not very easy to manage to stay focused. There are constant temptations and distractions that make it almost impossible for you to prioritize correctly. If you are single, but have become attached to a person who arouses immense passion, it can be difficult for you to control your thoughts and the temptation to send a message or chase that person can be great. Try to avoid it and stay on the mat.


Born: April 21–21 May

Today’s cosmos can be a bit frustrating for those of you who like to keep things tidy. While Mars and Neptune are clashing together, it is almost impossible to make things happen when they should happen. There may be others who don’t deliver because something has gotten in the way, people you depend on get sick, don’t show up or other delays mean you don’t get what you want. And it’s not so easy to take it all with a smile either, because you want something and it should have happened yesterday. The Moon sails through your sector of freedom, so maybe put aside unnecessary ambitions and take time off?


Born: May 22–21 June

As Mars and Neptune wander around your career sector in a bit of confusion, it can seem almost impossible to get people you work with to move in the same direction. It may be a lack of will from your colleagues, illness or a lack of knowledge which now means that you may end up feeling that you are alone with all the challenges. It may also be that the communication between you and your partner collapses and there are misunderstandings and sour expressions for that reason. At least keep your communication as simple and clear as possible. Avoid digressions.


Born: June 22–22 July

Don’t forget the importance of the little things and the simple life. It is easy to complicate things unnecessarily and it only leads to an upset stomach, high shoulders and poorer sleep quality. The Moon rushes through your relationship sector and it’s easy to take things a little too seriously, which isn’t necessary. If you are in a committed relationship and things have gotten tangled and complicated, it might be an idea to get back to the little things. A gesture of kindness, small talk about everything and nothing, playfulness and laughter brings back the simple, good and safe love. It doesn’t have to be that difficult.

These zodiac signs are best suited together


Born: July 23–23 August

Whether it has been storming around you or in you lately, it is now brightening up the groves. Action planet Mars is out of chaotic terrain and it can feel as if you finally wake up rested and ready to get going again. Now you can enjoy peace and the beautiful energy of spring without being disturbed by all kinds of drama and other people’s constant demands and fuss. It is quite possible that this is a result of you finally setting some clear boundaries and finding the courage to speak up where it seems almost impossible to get through. If you are still stuck in irritation, put it away. Don’t drag around unnecessary baggage.


Born: August 24–23 September

Too much is too much and you know very well when you start to approach the limit, but right now it is almost impossible to stop something that seems to run on its own machine and have a will that is stronger than yours. It may be pressure from others that makes you sacrifice your time, or you yourself are in the grip of temptation and just cannot give in until the bag is empty. Mars and Neptune still characterize the cosmic atmosphere and this can weaken willpower. The remedy to offset all this is, as usual, discipline. Don’t be afraid of disappointing others, it’s better than disappointing yourself.


Born: September 24–23 October

You have to remember to look up before you get too carried away by something that happens suddenly and can put you on the bed. The Moon sails through your sector of security and it can be a completely automatic defense mechanism that draws you into a drama that you can actually avoid if you manage to breathe with your stomach. What you are not prepared for or have an answer to can cause stress. You may feel that you have to answer then and there, but that is not the case. In fact, you manage it all yourself. Do not feel bad about something that is not your responsibility or your fault.


Born: October 24–22 November

Not all victories are visible. Something you’ve been working towards for a long time, you now feel you’ve mastered, and even if others don’t notice it, it’s really completely unimportant. You know what you have fought inside of you and that in itself is enough. In another way, it may be that you have actually achieved something in connection with work and career, but then it takes much longer than you had thought before the way forward will open up. If you are looking for something new and haven’t got the hang of it yet, don’t give up. You now know what you are good at, so you have no reason to slouch. You are waiting for the right one.


Born: November 23–21 December

You are a person who is quite quick and thus very quick to get started and quick to handle the various tasks that need to be solved. You just want to finish and preferably yesterday. This can present some problems, because you are not acting in a vacuum and you constantly have to deal with other people along the way, people who may not be as quick on the feet. If constant obstacles along the way force you to slow down, it is not certain that you are doing this entirely willingly. But if you have to, you have to. You know what you want and you want to get there. It just takes more time than expected.


Born: December 22–20 January

Venus sails into your sector of romance, creativity and play today, and something really nice is unleashing inside you. A feeling of love, either for a person who manages to awaken your heart, or for life in general. It is possible to be completely in love with life and almost high on such a feeling, and that is precisely how it can feel today. Everything is somehow much nicer and better than it was yesterday or last week, so one would almost think that it was your perspective and condition that had changed and not the world. And that is most likely exactly what is the case.

The father’s reaction says it all.
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Born: 21 January–18 February

You definitely choose your battles carefully, even if it is now tempting to find the biggest cannon and join the battle. Mars transits Neptune in your self-worth sector, so most likely you don’t want to get too involved because you actually have a whole bunch of things you’d rather be doing than arguing with brawlers and teenagers. There is always a certain danger that what you let pass will end up biting you in the butt later, but in this particular case it is not about this. If you let go now, you will save enormously more energy. Powers you need.


Born: February 19–20 March

In the face of new opportunities, it is really only your own way of thinking that stands in the way of you really being able to embrace the unknown. It can be about having to turn upside down attitudes that stand in the way of you creating good and secure relationships with other people, breaking out of mental habits and finding the key to creating inner peace even when you are in a demanding situation situations. The way you think and communicate is now changing and even if it feels a little unnatural to think positively where you have lacked faith, it is very liberating.

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Tags: Todays horoscope Todays horoscope Monday April


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