Four injured at tourist attraction

Four injured at tourist attraction
Four injured at tourist attraction

A tourist fell and injured himself in Sherpatrappa in Tromsø.

While the patient was being looked after by passers-by, a new incident occurred where another person fell and injured himself in the same place, according to the police.

Both people are flown by rescue helicopter to hospital.

This is reported by the police.

At 18.30 the police report that two more new people have fallen and injured themselves on the stairs.

– The Red Cross had barely finished their previous mission before they set their course upwards again. We have no information that anyone has been seriously injured, the police write on X.

– There is now a total of four people who have fallen and injured themselves on the stairs. It is very smooth there now, operations manager Karl Erik Thomassen tells Dagbladet.

He states that the Red Cross is on its way up the stairs to assist the two injured people.


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The article is in Norwegian

Tags: injured tourist attraction


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