Antidoping Norway presented a solution to the anti-doping crisis

Antidoping Norway presented a solution to the anti-doping crisis
Antidoping Norway presented a solution to the anti-doping crisis

Privacy and data storage

Storage and logging of data

By visiting this website, some technical data about your internet connection and browser is stored. This data can be categorized as follows:

  • Cookies in your browser
  • Technical info on servers
  • User information in databases

Information cookies

This website uses cookies to improve functionality and user experience.

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A cookie is a mechanism by which your browser can take care of information it receives from websites, and then send these back to the websites again later. This is done automatically without the user having to think about it.

The cookies may have several functions, such as keeping track of settings, which user you are logged in as, what you have access to, help to ensure that you receive the right content, tracking ad impressions and others.

Cookies make it possible to keep track of such settings and other things over time, so that the information is more easily accessible on repeated visits to the website. The cookies are also used for temporary handling of user-specific information when visiting different parts of the same website.

Two examples from the many functions the website uses cookies to maintain: One cookie is used to remember the volume setting on the video player, another is used to remember if you have ticked off this box of information so you don’t have to see it again the next time you visit this site from the same browser you are using now.

Cookies are automatically saved by your browser as small text files on your computer. You can change the settings for how cookies are to be handled in your browser.

Cookies can be provided by all types of content on the website, both text pages, images and others. The cookies are only sent back to the site you got them from, not to other sites.

Many websites, including this one, will not function properly if you do not allow the use of cookies.

This website stores cookies to manage three levels of functionality:
  1. Critical cookies are used to keep track of user information, access, some personal settings and more. Without these, the website will not function as it should.
  2. Analytics cookies are used to keep track of website traffic, which parts of it are most popular, which parts are used the most and more. Parts of these are third-party cookies provided by external service providers. Cookies for analytical functions are used to improve the website (which is under constant development), but these are not critical for the functionality of the website.
  3. Advertising cookies are used by internal and third-party advertising systems to keep track of and track ad impressions.

There is a statutory requirement that this information be made available to you as a user of websites that use such cookies.

Technical info

When you visit a website, the web server will log some technical information such as your IP address, which browser you use and the time of each time you request data from the server, i.e. when you click on an internal link and load a new website or associated data such as fonts , images, various scripts required for the website to function.

This data is only saved for a certain period of time in order to carry out troubleshooting and error correction in the systems, and is never shared with the newspaper’s employees or third parties.

User information

We store some information about you as a user. No sensitive information is stored on this website, but simple contact information that you provide when you create a user account or purchase services in the online newspaper will be stored in our databases. This is necessary to be able to deliver the services to you. This data is deleted when you delete your user account.

Who do we store data about?

Regular visitors/readers:

If you visit this website without registering a user account or subscription, the following data about you is stored:

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  • Some technical information such as IP address and browser is stored in the web server’s logs. This technical information is saved for 180 days, and is necessary for the service to function and to ensure security. This data is never disclosed to either the newspaper’s employees or third parties.
  • Google Analytics counts page views to maintain visitor statistics. This information is anonymized and cannot be used to track you.
  • Certain third-party services such as downloaded fonts and scripts may log your IP address and other information on external servers.
  • A cookie is set to identify you as a user while browsing the websites. This is deleted when you close your browser, or at the latest after 360 minutes of inactivity.

Logged in users and subscribers:

If you choose to create a user account and/or subscribe to the online newspaper, the following information will also be stored about you:

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  • Name, address and other contact information you provide yourself in the registration process. This data is stored until you delete your user account.
  • Information about your subscription, e.g. when it was purchased, how it was paid for, a few digits from your credit card, the duration of the subscription and which subscription you have. This data is stored until the user account is deleted.
  • Simple data about which articles you have read and how much of the articles you read. This is used to improve our content and is deleted if you delete your user account.

NB: After data has been deleted, it can still be saved for up to 180 days in backups. Backups are stored with high security and limited access, and are necessary to be able to carry out troubleshooting and ensure the security of users and the computer system.

Your rights:

As a user of this website, you can contact the newspaper to have your data released and/or deleted.

If you have a user account/subscription, you can log into your user profile and download your saved data, as well as delete your user account and associated data at any time.

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You can also delete all local data in your browser. The procedure for this varies between different browsers and devices.

Recommendation: By using the EU service, you can control to some extent how different advertising providers track you, as well as read many good tips on how you can adapt which ads are displayed. Open in a new window.

NB: Certain system-critical data found in, for example, the web server’s logs will not be able to be deleted on request, but these are deleted automatically after a short time according to the information above.

If you press REJECT, no cookies will be stored in your browser and no data about you will be logged in our databases. It also means we can’t know if you’ve approved or not, so you’ll see this warning on every page you visit. Technical information (web server logs) will still store your IP address and browser information, but this is deleted continuously as described above.


The article is in Norwegian

Tags: Antidoping Norway presented solution antidoping crisis


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