Listhaug to Drammen on 1 May



The FRP leader comes to Strømsø Torg, but has no national political opponent in Bragernes this year.

STREAMS: For several years, the left side has had Rødt leader Bjørnar Moxnes as the keynote speaker at Bragernes Torg, while heir Marie Sneve Martinussen will not be coming to Drammen this year.

However, FRP leader Sylvi Listhaug follows tradition at Strømsø Torg (at 1 p.m.), and this year she seems to be bringing the sun with her, unlike in previous years, on the Workers’ International Day of Action.

The main speaker at Bragernes is Kathy Lee from SV, while Lina Strandbråten (Ap) and Jørgen Harboe Wilhelmsen (Rødt) are appellants.

As usual, a train will also be arranged, this year from Papirbredden and over to Bragernes torg with attendance at 12.00, with the trade union movement and political parties.

Resigned Rødt leader Bjørnar Moxnes at Bragernes Torg on 1 May last year, just before the glasses scandal broke.

Newly elected leader of Red Youth from Drammen, Amrit Kaur, also held an appeal at Bragernes Torg last year.

Frp leader Sylvi Listhaug at Strømsø Torg last year.


NEXT Risk of strike: The wage settlement in Oslo collapsed
