Today’s horoscope: – Today’s horoscope: Wednesday 8 May

Today’s horoscope: – Today’s horoscope: Wednesday 8 May
Today’s horoscope: – Today’s horoscope: Wednesday 8 May

HEvery day, our astrologer Sol will give you an insight into the future. Are you curious about love, work, finances, friends or perhaps family? Let your zodiac sign guide you. Pssst, here you will find our weekly horoscope.

Below you will find the horoscope for Wednesday 8 May.


Born: March 21–20 April

There is a new moon in your sector for finances, own resources and talent and self-worth. This is the culmination of a process that has been going on since this summer and it is not inconceivable that you are starting to get a little impatient to bring about the changes you want, but this can also tempt you to give up something you have held to fix for a while. If it is a romantic relationship that has required a lot of personal effort and willingness to grow, you may be giving up too soon. Although it’s tempting to take a shortcut, keep yourself in check. You have time for what you want to have time for.


Born: April 21–21 May

Today’s new moon ends up in your sign, dear Taurus. You have the cosmic focus on you and something of significance is about to unfold. A new moon is a new beginning and this is under the influence of Uranus, the planet of revolution and upgrade. What can happen is that you start to feel impatience and that the future cannot come fast enough. If you have felt for a long time that you are standing still and feel an inner turmoil is about to grow, you may have to accept that you are looking for something new. It’s okay to try and fail, but avoiding trying can be costly.


Born: May 22–21 June

There is a new moon in your sector for retreat and spirituality, which hints that what is unfolding now is something you have to trust. You cannot control this with your will, no matter how much you want to. Strong-willed Mars, by contrast, runs at full throttle, so you may end up thinking it was something you should have done, but then you can’t bring yourself to do it. It may be that the break life forces you to take now will turn out to be the perfect art break you didn’t know you needed. Have faith that it will work out, but right now you have to slow down even if you feel the pressure.


Born: June 22–22 July

Today’s new moon awakens your sector for change and the future, and if you are in a fixed relationship, disagreements may arise about different priorities and needs. You may need one thing, while your partner needs something completely different, and the solution is not to close your ears and ignore what is said, but to listen to each other and open up to the fact that there are solutions, even if they are unorthodox. If you are single and searching, today’s cosmic wave can offer a really beautiful and intense surprise. One you didn’t think was so exciting can turn out to be anything but boring. Listen to your heart.

These zodiac signs are best suited together


Born: July 23–23 August

Waiting too long isn’t always smart, but a healthy dose of patience is needed right now. Today’s new moon is under the influence of Uranus and then things can’t happen fast enough, it would have been like yesterday. At the same time, action-oriented Mars rages impatiently through your sister sign Aries, so you can scratch your fingers to finish what you’re doing so you can start something new. It could also be about an internal process you’ve been working on for a while, and things take a lot of time. It’s over when it’s over. Grease yourself with patience.


Born: August 24–23. September

Today’s cosmos awakens an inner strength in you that is primarily about having faith and when you have faith in the right place, you can handle what life throws at you without being stressed. When you believe that something can work out, you effectively avoid stress and brooding, and today’s new moon shows you that it is important to become aware of which underlying attitudes you cling to that either provide inner security and support or that create anxiety and fear. It’s not all about faith, but it’s actually very important to see that when faith is in place, strength also comes.


Born: September 24–23 October

You’ll earn more by saying it outright than beating around the bush right now. You often take far too many, and unnecessary considerations, and that can tend to water down the messages you need to deliver, but now you get help from Mercury in your sector in relation to speaking straight from the liver. If there is something you have thought about for a long time and which has been unclear to you, you may be surprised at how clearly you communicate when you first decide to have the conversation. Cutting it to the bone and sticking to the essence will help you get it across.


Born: October 24–22 November

Today’s new moon falls in your relationship sector and it can get very crowded around you. If you want to have time for everything plus have fun, you must act quickly and efficiently. The more focused you are on what you are doing, the more time you will save. And time saved is time you can use to enjoy life, spring and friends. On the other hand, it may be a person you are close to who needs your help and needs it quite urgently. As the Scorpio you are, you work well under pressure and if you have to clear your calendar completely so that you can be present where you are needed, do it. You will get back as soon as possible.


Born: November 23–21 December

Life is change and those who are able to change with the times are better able to survive and find peace with the changes. Even Darwin said that it was not the strongest, nor the most intelligent that survived best. It was whoever was most adaptable who did it, he believed. And nature shows you that is right. Therefore, it is not always a smart strategy to hold on to established attitudes and ideas about how things should be. It is what it is, and this simple life wisdom can make you open up to whole new perspectives right now.


Born: December 22–20 January

Today’s new moon may make you reconsider your relationship with money. If you always spend more than you have and it constantly leads to periods of stress, you can now be inspired to take back control, get an overview, cut out unnecessary consumption and set a budget that you stick to. If you are of the more cautious type, today’s new moon can inspire you to do the opposite, be a little more generous with yourself, not save for a rainy day all the time or constantly deny yourself everything that is fun. If you subscribe to a mindset that there is never enough, ask yourself where it comes from.


Born: 21 January–18 February

Today’s new moon is about inner security, calm and trust in yourself. Your inner foundation is in full change and it shows clearly in all your relationships, both close and platonic. What you now radiate is a deep, inner acceptance of who you are and that gives you an aura of authority at the same time that you are friendly and welcoming, full of understanding for what others are going through. The fact that you don’t flinch so easily also makes it easier for others to relate to you, and today’s cosmos puts you in a position where you have to manage your authority in a good and safe way.


Born: February 19–20 March

There is a fresh new moon in the air and it is under the influence of the planet of rapid change, surprise and haste, Uranus. It is therefore incredibly important to keep your feet firmly planted on the earth’s crust as the nervous system gets a proper jog and everything seems to go at double speed. Don’t sell the skin until the bear is shot, as the old saying goes. It is so easy to take things in advance and rush off, but if you calm down now and go at a slow pace, you will avoid drawing conclusions that you don’t really have a basis for yet. Give it all the time.

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The article is in Norwegian

Tags: Todays horoscope Todays horoscope Wednesday


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