Tyler Ninja Blevins reveals cancer diagnosis

Tyler Ninja Blevins reveals cancer diagnosis
Tyler Ninja Blevins reveals cancer diagnosis

The well-known streamer Tyler “Ninja” Blevins (32) reveals that he has been diagnosed with melanoma, a type of skin cancer best known as mole cancer.

New cancer treatment praised: – Great joy!

The 32-year-old says in a post on X, formerly Twitter, that a mole that was removed from his foot turned out to contain cancer cells. Another dark spot on his foot is also being checked, but although Ninja says he is shocked, he is grateful to have hope when the cancer was found early.

– Please take this as an invitation to check yourself, he writes.

BUBBLE: Jenny Huse was examined for brain and eye cancer before Christmas. Now she talks about the operation in January and the way forward.
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Ninja is one of the world’s most famous streamers on Twitch, a video streaming platform where the entertainment is broadcast live. Ninja has 19 million followers on Twitch, and for many he is a name synonymous with the platform, where he plays the popular game Fortnite.


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Tags: Tyler Ninja Blevins reveals cancer diagnosis


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