Poland will ask Russia for an explanation for the violation of Polish airspace

Poland will ask Russia for an explanation for the violation of Polish airspace
Poland will ask Russia for an explanation for the violation of Polish airspace

The government in Poland says it will ask Russia for an explanation after a Russian cruise missile violated Polish airspace.

Published: Published:

Today 11:29

This is stated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Warsaw on Sunday morning.

– Above all, we will ask the Russian Federation to end its terrorist airstrikes against the people and territory of Ukraine, end the war and focus on the country’s own internal problems, the statement said.

On the night of Sunday, the Polish defense reported that a Russian rocket had been in Polish airspace for a short time in connection with an attack on Ukraine.

The cruise missile moved through Polish airspace for 39 seconds, near the village of Oserdow, the NATO country’s defense says on the X message service.

The rocket is then said to have flown over the border again and into Ukraine. Here, important infrastructure was hit by Russian attacks in the Lviv region, near the border with Poland.

Both south and east of Oserdow, it is just over a kilometer to the border with Ukraine. The border between the countries has an almost 90 degree “angle” close to the village.


Published: March 24, 2024 11:29 am

The article is in Norwegian

Tags: Poland Russia explanation violation Polish airspace


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