Student died of meningitis

Student died of meningitis
Student died of meningitis

Published: 10/05/2024 20:18

A boy died of infectious meningitis in Fredrikstafd,

The municipality reports this on its website.

– We received information today that a pupil in Fredrikstad has been diagnosed with infectious meningitis. Unfortunately, we have now received confirmation that the student has died, writes the municipality.

The boy went to Råkollen school, and the information is made public in consultation with the next of kin, the municipality reports.

Infectious meningitis is caused by a bacterium, and is basically a mildly contagious disease, despite the name.

According to the municipality, close contacts of the deceased have been contacted and offered preventive antibiotic treatment.

They are also offered a vaccine. People who have not been contacted by the municipality do not need to worry.

Relevant businesses in the municipality have been notified, and we are in close dialogue with the Institute of Public Health.

The municipality writes that if you are in close contact, and experience symptoms such as fever, headache, vomiting and reduced general condition, it asks that people contact their GP or emergency room by telephone.

Previous experience indicates that this type of incident can cause concern in the population, writes the municipality.

– We therefore choose, in consultation with the next of kin, to release this information now. We do not expect any new cases, but are of course following the situation closely.

The article is in Norwegian

Tags: Student died meningitis
