NTNU must act in solidarity with Gaza NTNU must act in solidarity with Gaza

NTNU must act in solidarity with Gaza NTNU must act in solidarity with Gaza
NTNU must act in solidarity with Gaza NTNU must act in solidarity with Gaza

This is a statement. The content of the text expresses the author’s opinion.

For the English version see below the Norwegian version

The situation in Gaza has shaken the world and Norway. The devastation has become visible to us all through screens and social media, and every day brings news of lives lost. The destruction is enormous. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reports that in the period between 7 October 2023 and 29 April 2024, at least 42,000 Palestinians were killed in Gaza and over 79,000 Palestinians were injured for life (OCHA, 2024). Among the victims, we find over 15,000 children.

Setting up a tent camp for Gaza at Gløshaugen

Several organizations have sounded the alarm about genocide and the famine disaster affecting Gaza’s residents. Amnesty International (2024) shows a gloomy, but unfortunately completely correct picture of what is happening in Palestine. They refer to the atrocities committed by the Israeli government through its fascist army against the population of Gaza. It also shows that Israel’s government completely flouts the international agreements, laws and regulations that apply in wartime and otherwise.

The report further shows that the Zionist government has systematically demolished schools, universities, hospitals, as well as the water and electricity networks in Gaza.

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Darkness has descended on Gaza. The destruction is inhumane, the losses unbearable. But in the midst of this bleak reality, the flame of solidarity shines. The world sees, hears and reacts. From the prestigious universities of UCLA, Colombia, Sorbonne, Sciences Po, the University of Amsterdam, Humboldt University in Berlin and in Oslo (UiO), to our own university NTNU, we see students rising up against injustice. The student uprisings are nothing new in our common history. The uprisings have been driven by various social, political or economic reasons, and they have always been a response to oppression and injustice.

Academic network for Palestine at NTNU is a recently established network for employees at NTNU. After a short time, we count more than 80 members, and we continue to grow. The network collaborates with Students for Palestine in Trondheim, as well as other organizations and associations, both at NTNU and elsewhere in Norway. Our purpose is to help stop the genocide in Gaza, as well as contribute to the work of rebuilding Gaza’s education system, which has been left completely in ruins.

The Academic Network for Palestine at NTNU therefore expects the board at NTNU to take a clear position on the situation in Gaza and we therefore demand that:

– NTNU, in solidarity with its Palestinian colleagues, and their students, undertakes to contribute to the reconstruction of Palestinian academia, and to contribute to Palestinian students being able to complete their studies.

– NTNU as a university shows solidarity by condemning the Israeli destruction of Gaza’s universities and education system. The destruction of the universities and Gaza’s cultural history is part of the ongoing genocide.

– NTNU in solidarity condemns attacks on students’ and employees’ freedom of expression and democratic rights in Israel, the USA, Germany and other countries both in Europe and around the world.

– NTNU does not renew existing or enter into new cooperation agreements with Israeli universities until the genocide and occupation cease.

– NTNU ends cooperation with companies that sell components that are included in weapons used by the Israeli army in Gaza and the West Bank. – NTNU does not buy products from companies located in occupied Palestinian areas or that are involved in the occupation in other ways.

– NTNU provides insight into all procurement agreements and which ethical platform is the basis for procurement etc. at NTNU.

Solidarity is action. NTNU has the opportunity to be a voice for justice, for peace and for a better world. Let us not fail and waste this opportunity. Through our actions, through our solidarity, we can help change the course of history. Let’s stand together in the fight for justice, for human dignity, and for a better world. Let the light of solidarity shine brightly, and let it guide us towards a future characterized by peace, equality and hope.

Academic network for Palestine at NTNU gives our full support to the students’ upcoming tent action on 10 May and also supports similar student actions elsewhere in the world. We encourage all NTNU employees and students to support the initiative.

We have been waiting for a clear position from NTNU for over seven months, but it has not been forthcoming. Therefore, we have recently sent a letter with our demands to the board at NTNU.

With hope for a better world and future,

Academic network for Palestine at NTNU

Solidarity for a better world: NTNU must act in solidarity with Gaza

The situation in Gaza has shaken the world and Norway. Through screens and social media, the destruction has been made visible, and each day brings more loss of lives. The destruction is enormous, and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reports that in the period between October 7, 2023 and April 29, 2024, a minimum of 42,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza and over 79,000 Palestinians have been permanently injured (OCHA, 2024); among the victims are over 15,000 children.

Several organizations have raised the alarm of genocide and a hunger catastrophe hitting Gaza’s inhabitants. Amnesty International (2024) depicts a gloomy, but unfortunately accurate picture of what is happening in Palestine. They refer to the atrocities that the Israeli government, through its fascist army, have committed against the population of Gaza. Their report also reveals that Israel’s government has shown a complete disregard for the international agreements, laws, and regulations that apply in wartime and otherwise. The report shows that the Zionist government has systematically razed schools, universities, and hospitals, as well as civilian water and electricity infrastructures in Gaza.

Night has fallen on Gaza. The destruction is inhuman, and the losses unbearable. But in the midst of this dark reality, the flame of solidarity casts its light. The world sees, hears, and reacts. From the prestigious universities of UCLA, Columbia, Sorbonne, and the University of Oslo, to our own campus at NTNU, we see students who stand up against injustice. These student protests are nothing new in history. These protests have often been driven by a diversity of social, political, or economic demands. The protests have always been an answer to oppression and injustice.

The Academic Network for Palestine at NTNU is a newly established network for staff at NTNU. In a very short time, it has climbed to 80 members strong and continues to grow. The network works with Students for Palestine in Trondheim, as well as other organizations and unions both at NTNU and more broadly in Norway. Our aim is to contribute to the end of the genocide in Gaza and to contribute to the work of restoring and reconstructing Gaza’s education system, which has been completely reduced to rubble.

The Academic Network for Palestine at NTNU therefore expects that the Board of NTNU will take a clear stance on the situation in Gaza, and we therefore demand the following:

NTNU, in solidarity with its Palestinian colleagues and their students, must commit itself to contributing to the reconstruction of the Palestinian academy, and help Palestinian students complete their studies.

NTNU as a university must, in solidarity, condemn the Israeli destruction of Gaza’s universities and education system. The destruction of universities and Gaza’s cultural history is part of the ongoing genocide.

NTNU must, in solidarity, condemn attacks carried out against the freedom of speech and democratic rights of students and academic staff in Israel, the US, Germany, and many other European countries.

NTNU must promise not to renew or initiate new cooperation agreements with Israeli universities until the genocide and occupation of Palestine is ended.

NTNU must end all cooperation with companies that sell weapons or weapon components that are used by the Israeli military in Gaza and in the West Bank.

NTNU must not purchase products from companies located in the occupied Palestinian territories, or who are involved in the occupation.

NTNU must release transparent information regarding all of its purchasing agreements, as well as the ethical guidelines regarding purchasing and similar agreements at NTNU.

Solidarity is action. NTNU has the opportunity to be a voice for justice, for peace, and for a better world. Let us not waste this opportunity. Through our actions, through our solidarity, we can change the course of history. Let us stand together in the struggle for justice, for human dignity, and for a better world. Let solidarity’s light shine bright, and let it guide us towards a future marked by peace, equality, and hope.

The Academic Network for Palestine at NTNU gives its unconditional support to the students’ upcoming encampment on May 10, as well as to the actions of students the world over. We encourage all staff and students at NTNU to join us in supporting the initiative.

We have long waited for NTNU to take a clear stance for over seven months, but none is forthcoming. We have therefore sent a letter to the NTNU Board to clearly communicate these demands.

With hope for a better world and future,

The Academic Network for Palestine at NTNU

The article is in Norwegian

Tags: NTNU act solidarity Gaza NTNU act solidarity Gaza
