Knarvik, Culture | Streamed to the festival: – Not often are there so many restaurants in Knarvik

Knarvik, Culture | Streamed to the festival: – Not often are there so many restaurants in Knarvik
Knarvik, Culture | Streamed to the festival: – Not often are there so many restaurants in Knarvik

Nordhordland Food Festival started on Friday morning in and outside Amfi Knarvik. The festival was organized by the 50th anniversary Avisa Nordhordland, Amfi Knarvik and Klar Bedrift.

A dozen restaurants and food producers were invited to serve from tents and food trucks outside the centre.

And it attracted a large crowd already around 14:00 on the cramped Friday.

– It’s a lot of fun when something happens, and we saw a festival being organised, says father and grandfather, Tony Vetaas, to NH.

He visits the food festival together with his son, Mats, and daughter Maja. Lily, who is Maja’s granddaughter and daughter, is also there.

– It doesn’t happen very often, adds son Mats.

They have traveled to Knarvik from Alversund to take part in the event.

– There are not always so many and such good restaurants in Knarvik either, add the family.

Mekko came along to work

The farmer at Gripen gard on Holsnøy, Helene Olli Sollid, presented her own stall during the Nordhordland Food Festival.

The adults came there to taste fennel loin and look at Sollid’s food products, and the youngest came to say hello to the little goat kid Mekko.

Christin Thoma takes the kid and holds him in her arms. She gets a hug.

– I actually come from Germany. This is the third week I live and work at Gripen gard.

She travels and works on farms around the world through WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms). The network arranges homestays on organic farms, where participants work for board and lodging.

Thoma came to Gripen gard together with his roommate.

– That is what is absolutely wonderful here in Norway. Even the most remote places find a garden where you can work.

Sollid is satisfied with the visit and the help on the farm:

– People have come to work with us from all over the world! Probably more than 200, she says, and continues:

– It’s so nice. Like Christin; she thought she would be with us for a couple of weeks. The weeks passed, and she is still here.

Family day in the centre

– Can I be allowed to keep him? asks Nour Alali (9).

Thoma tries to help Mekko into her arms, but it didn’t quite go as planned. He gets to stay with her in the city.

– You know, I’m my own lamb at Troppå farm, me, says Alali to the newspaper.

NH met her again inside the centre. Right behind her sat the founder behind “Glede på Hjul”, Lise Westervik Vetås, measuring the faces of the children in the centre. And the queue to get there was long.

There were many little ones who wanted to decorate themselves with colorful motifs.

NH updates the case.

The article is in Norwegian

Tags: Knarvik Culture Streamed festival restaurants Knarvik
