Egg shortage, Denmark | Now there are Danish eggs in the shops


Are you tired of being greeted by empty egg shelves in the grocery store? Now there is a greater chance that you will be able to make scrambled eggs by 17 May.

In recent days, Danish eggs have appeared in many grocery stores.

On Friday morning, there were 10-packs of “Hverdagsæg” from Danish Danæg on the shelves at Meny Bjølsen in Oslo.

Buys all they can of Norwegian eggs

Communications manager in the Norgesgruppen, Kine Søyland, tells The Nation that Nortura has opened up the import of eggs because there is a deficit in the Norwegian market.

– We import a small amount of Danish eggs due to a lack of Norwegian eggs. We buy everything we can from Norwegians, but it is not enough to cover the demand. To avoid empty shelves, we take in Danish eggs for a shorter period, so that our customers can get eggs, she writes in an e-mail to the Nation.

Rema 1000 also imports eggs from Denmark to ensure enough eggs in its stores.

Egg shortage until August

Ever since May last year, there has been a shortage of eggs in Norway. Especially around Easter, many had to do without scrambled eggs and waffles.

So far this year, we have had a thousand tonnes of eggs too short in the country. A shortage of eggs is expected until August.

This week, the Norwegian Directorate of Agriculture removed the duty on eggs to increase imports. From 14 May to 24 July there is zero duty on eggs and egg mass.

Nortura Totalmarked believes the deficit of Norwegian eggs will be almost 3,000 tonnes in 2024. This corresponds to 46 million eggs, or over 7.6 million egg cartons containing six eggs.

also read

The deficit of eggs is increasing – moving towards a shortage of 46 million eggs

Norway is full of farmers who sell eggs from their own farm. Nationen has collected the outlets in a map, which enables you to find your local outlet:

also read

Buy eggs straight from the farmer

The article is in Norwegian


Tags: Egg shortage Denmark Danish eggs shops
