Volsdalen church marks 50 years

Volsdalen church marks 50 years
Volsdalen church marks 50 years
Join in the celebration when the beautiful working church from 1974 turns 50 years old.

– Everyone who has been involved in Volsdalen church over the years, or who feels connected to this church, is especially welcome, says leader of Ålesund and Volsdalen parish council, Richard von Løwensprung.

The service is led by Olav Gading, one of the congregation’s priests. Former parish priest Arvid Helle, who is now acting provost in Nordre Sunnmøre, delivers today’s sermon. Representatives from Døves congregation participate together with staff and volunteers in Ålesund and Volsdalen congregations, as well as local singing and music groups.

Volsdalen congregation was separated from Ålesund congregation in 1964, and for the first ten years services were held in the parish hall. The skilled carpentry vicar Bjørn Siem was at the head of the construction work on the new church, which was designed by architect Leif Olav Moen and decorated with art by Franz Widerberg. In 2017, Ålesund and Volsdalen parishes were merged, and have an office in Volsdalen parish house.

The article is in Norwegian


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