Weather, | Dream weather: 23 degrees, several days in a row


For large parts of next week, it will be up to 23 degrees in the capital. With any luck, the good temperatures will also be with the residents of the capital into the weekend.

– Looks very good!

And in several places in the country, the weather will be fine in the coming time:

– For Oslo, it looks like Monday will be a little more cloudy, and below 20 degrees. While the whole of next week actually looks like it will be sunny and 22/23 degrees and little wind. It looks very good for Oslo!

This is what meteorologist on duty, Iselin Skjervagen, tells Nettavisen.

Despite the good temperatures in the air, it is still cool in the water. At the same time, the meteorologist reminds us to remember to lubricate when the sun comes out.

– It’s still cold in the water, but for those who think it’s okay, just put on your swimming trunks! But you can sunbathe well, and you must follow the UV warnings. Lubricate yourself well!

– Then it will only be sunny

And several places in the country can enjoy good weather in the coming week.

Bergen will be somewhat cloudy on Monday, but the rest of the week looks very nice.

– There is a bit of a mixture of cloud and sun, and up to 23 degrees several days.

In Trondheim, the forecasts look absolutely brilliant, says the meteorologist:

– Slightly cloudy on Monday and Tuesday, but then it will only be sunny. There are temperatures up to, and perhaps above, 20 degrees.

50/50 forecast for May 17

Good temperatures are also expected in Kristiansand, although the meteorologist emphasizes that it is difficult to predict with absolute precision.

– It may not look as warm for Kristiansand, but we are talking up to 20 degrees. On Monday it will be a little cooler, but not bad. The weather will be fine, and a bit cloudy towards 17 May. Here it is a bit 50/50 if it rains on the day itself. It’s a little hard to predict, it changes very often. There is a chance of precipitation, in contrast to Oslo.

It also looks promising for Tromsø and Finnmark, but here too it is difficult to say exactly how it will be on National Day.

– It’s a bit 50/50 here too. Right now the forecasts for sun on May 17 look very good, but that could change. Take the weather forecast with a pinch of salt!

Bodø also gets very nice weather, even if it is supposed to rain on Monday.

– It will be a bit cloudier over the next few days, but then it will get better with more sun. On 17 May, they may get 14 degrees and sun!

– It is possible that it will work

It is expected to reach 20 degrees in Sandnes next week. And not a drop of precipitation, writes Sandnesposten.

– It is real at least at the start of the week. It will get better through the weekend. It is possible that it will work, says on-duty meteorologist Ingri Halland Soldal.

The meteorologist adds that there will be lighter cloud cover as early as Sunday, but summer will arrive in full on Monday and Tuesday.

The article is in Norwegian

Tags: Weather Yr .no Dream weather degrees days row
