The county politicians want to reorganize Brakar

The county politicians want to reorganize Brakar
The county politicians want to reorganize Brakar

Terje Sundfjord has been managing director of Brakar since 2015.

The county committee has unanimously decided to ask the administration in the county municipality to look into the possibility of changing the ownership structure of the collective company Brakar.

THE DRAMA: The committee wants an assessment of turning Brakar from a limited company into either a county municipal enterprise, or becoming part of the transport department. Brakar is currently a limited company, and therefore this form of organization is not being investigated.

– This proposal comes as a result of the fact that we, as elected representatives, want a greater opportunity to influence the operation of public transport in the county, says Christopher Amundsen Wand (H), who was the proposer on behalf of the Conservative Party, FrP, KrF, INP, Sp and AP.

It is further stated in the decision “the investigation to be carried out should show the process from decision to implementation, and consequences for the county council and the employees in Brakar.»

In October 2024, the politicians in the county committee will decide on the future management and organization of the work with public transport, including the organization of Brakar.


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