Today’s horoscope: – Today’s horoscope: Wednesday 1 May

Today’s horoscope: – Today’s horoscope: Wednesday 1 May
Today’s horoscope: – Today’s horoscope: Wednesday 1 May

HEvery day, our astrologer Sol will give you an insight into the future. Are you curious about love, work, finances, friends or perhaps family? Let your zodiac sign guide you. Pssst, here you will find our weekly horoscope.

Below you will find the horoscope for Wednesday 1 May.


Born: March 21–20 April

Action planet Mars now sails into your sign and this awakens a side in you that is reactive and that seeks justice. But then you meet with resistance and then this clever plan to win over the injustice does not work as you thought. It is not possible to tell people what is right and wrong if they themselves are convinced that they are right. If you encounter denials and excuses, it is perhaps wisest to just let go. If it’s small things, this is no problem, but if it goes deeper, you have to work to get it done. Choose your battles wisely!


Born: April 21–21 May

It can feel as if you are out of harmony with those around you. There is something jarring and you can feel the need to go into a more introverted mode and disconnect everything. As a Taurus, you need to withdraw into your own, peaceful bubble from time to time and that means cutting off all unnecessary contact with your surroundings. If it is a romantic relationship and you and your loved one seem to be on different planes, it may be that you both have an underlying need for some distance in order to reconnect with yourselves.


Born: May 22–21 June

The Moon transits Pluto, the planet of transformation and deep change, in your sector of freedom and you take a quantum leap towards freer expression. If you discover that your inner dialogue is full of reservations and negativity, today’s cosmos can inspire you to put all this aside, knowing that it is actually up to you to break out of your own mental loops. Now you just want freedom and the key to getting it is to actually accept yourself exactly as you are, with all your faults and shortcomings. You are more than good enough. Rest in that security.


Born: June 22–22 July

Action planet Mars moved into your sector of ambition, career and responsibility today, and it can feel like the starting shot is going and it’s going at a rapid pace. It could be a large project underway at work that requires you to act quickly and be fully present, or you yourself start the work to reach an already defined goal you have set yourself. The level of ambition is going to be turned up as Mars trawls through this sector and if you are ready, you will definitely have your will on the team now. Start!

These zodiac signs are best suited together


Born: July 23–23 August

Venus forms an aspect to Pluto, the planet of transformation and power, and together these two will make you rethink how you spend your time and resources. If you feel valued and you experience that what you give is also given back, you will notice that the respect is there and this is what you are looking for. You need such stable relationships in your life. If you feel a deep need to gain an overview and security, the matter is in your hands. You choose what you get swallowed up by, and now you will get more out of taking a more conservative approach. You neither time nor effort to waste.


Born: August 24–23 September

Mars whizzed there into your sector of psychology and awakens enormous will and power in you. The fact that you are now taking control where there has previously been chaos and unrest is only good. If you didn’t know what to do or how to react, this doubt has now been swept away and you can tackle the things that matter again. This can be about gaining control and an overview of the finances, setting better boundaries for those who only take and rarely give or to protect what you hold near and dear so that your time is not wasted. You are the boss and you just have to show it. Put the cabinet in place.


Born: September 24–23 October

You have a leader in you, one that often comes out when you least expect it. Libra doesn’t like to make too much of itself, but you often know what the right answer is and if you’re sitting on the solution, it’s almost too stupid not to share it. If you are overly polite and consider absolutely all sides of a case before you say anything, it can dilute the essence of what you are trying to convey. Stick to the heart of the matter and let the same clarity you have when you are alone and undisturbed become something you take with you into your many relationships. You lead with clarity and objectivity.


Born: October 24–22 November

You have a sense for people who are independent and who come up with something original, people you can talk to and who are not afraid to offer themselves. But right now, it may seem like you’re treading the opposite path. If someone you are close to is so closed to new ideas and perspectives, today’s cosmos can be quite frustrating. You need people who jam at the same level as you, but that doesn’t mean you’re necessarily going to seek it out. As a Scorpio, you like what is comfortable and familiar, but perhaps you should challenge yourself to seek something new?


Born: November 23–21 December

Mars has now entered your sector of creativity, love and play, and it can almost feel as if you are escaping from a cellar and can move outside in the garden again. Mars’ placement here suits you like a glove. This is your element and when the energy is in place, it takes a lot before you bother to participate in what is other people’s drama. But the astrological forecast foreshadows the danger of drama, but it’s not your circus. The Moon sails through your sector of communication and there are big emotions in the air. Your advantage is that you just don’t have time for drama, so you don’t bother.


Born: December 22–20 January

A new idea can make you glow with enthusiasm and joy for life. Action planet Mars has now entered your sector for family, house and home, and whether it is a family holiday or a renovation project, something will happen in the next two months that will create changes at home. It may also be that you get a fabulous opportunity in connection with work and this will in some way go beyond the family’s needs, but exactly what is presented to you now is too tempting to say no to. You just have to bring this with you and the math will add up if you want to make it happen.


Born: 21 January–18 February

The Moon sails through your sign and this gives speed to the engine. Although you may have just finished a big project, you are already ready for a new adventure. Life is short and you don’t intend to sleep in class, you should have a bit of a bite if you’re allowed. And of course you do. As long as you have the energy to join the game, there is nothing stopping you but yourself. Where there is a will, there is also an opportunity. And to create a path in the gruel, you have to make some choices that ensure that time does not disappear into nothing. Remember why you came here.


Born: February 19–20 March

The Moon sails through your sector of spirituality and your sensitive side is turned up a notch, which can make ten chickens out of one feather, but even if you see this logically, it doesn’t take away the sting of your emotions. It’s not possible to talk to your head when it’s your stomach that’s upset, and if you’re afraid that something that happened in the past will happen again, you almost just have to wait until the inner storm has subsided. You want to move forward despite everything you feel and refuse to let fear stop you, so be patient and trust that you are acting in line with truth. And then you are in safe hands.

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