Taking action

Taking action
Taking action

Many people have experienced receiving toll bills for a car they have already sold. Fremtind Service is now taking action to prevent this from happening. They state this themselves in a message.

According to a survey they themselves have carried out, it appears that this has happened to over ten percent of Norwegian car owners.

– The AutoPASS system itself in Norway is recognized as one of the most efficient in the world. Nevertheless, it is a clear pain point that the seller risks having to cover the buyer’s toll and ferry expenses if the AutoPASS agreement is not updated when ownership changes, comments commercial director Svein Skovly at Fremtind Service.

To solve this problem, often called the toll trap, Fremtind Service now notifies all private customers with an AutoPASS subscription as soon as they receive information about changes of ownership from the Motor Vehicle Register.

This notification is conditional on the contact information, including mobile number and e-mail, being updated.


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The article is in Norwegian

Tags: action


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