Influencer Jennifer Andersson in grief – her son died in the womb a couple of days before birth


– Life is so damn unfair and cruel, says influencer Jennifer Andersson after losing her son.

Pelle Bjersbo and Jennifer Andersson in November. Photo: Private

Sunday 28 April at 12:24 p.m

In autumn, it became known that influencer Jennifer Andersson (24) and her boyfriend Pelle Bjersbo (27) were expecting a child. Since then, she has shared posts about her pregnancy with her followers on social media.

Earlier this month, Jennifer published a photo on Instagram, where she has over 70,000 followers, of her pregnant belly.

– Mum and dad are ready for you, she wrote.

A week ago, she posted a video on YouTube, where she calls herself “Zennufer”, with the title “Pregnant week 40”.

– Last vlogA vlog is a form of blog where video is used as media. An actor is often referred to as a “vlogger”. before baby comes, oh my god I look tired sometimes.. but that’s life as a preggo!! Hello to me now, it said under the video.

On Friday, she shared with her followers that her son Ralph has passed away.

– Life is so fucking unfair and cruel. You were taken from us far too soon. All we wanted was you, writes Jennifer.

The text was shared along with this image:

Pelle Bjersbo holds his son in his arms. VG has received permission from Jennifer’s press contact to use the photo. Photo: Private

– Have no words

Jennifer writes to Aftonbladet that he died in the womb just a couple of days before she was due to give birth and that she was started the same evening that they found out that his heart had stopped beating.

VG has been in contact with Jennifer’s press contact, who refers to the post on Instagram.

Jennifer says in the post that the shock has begun to subside and that the grief is now taking over.

– There may come a time when we can tell more, but now we need time to grieve.

Several influencers have commented under the photo, including Sophie Elise:

– No, oh my God, it hurts so much, I offer my condolences so much.

Jennifer writes that Ralph will always be their son.

– We have collected as much love as we were prepared to give you. You are our whole world. We have no words.

– Mom and Dad love you forever.

The article is in Norwegian

Tags: Influencer Jennifer Andersson grief son died womb couple days birth


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