Warns of military columns on the E18 in Drammen

Warns of military columns on the E18 in Drammen
Warns of military columns on the E18 in Drammen

Archive image: Torbjørn Kjosvold The armed forces

NORWAY: The Telemark battalion has taken part in an exercise in Germany, and personnel and material are now being transported back to their home base at Rena in the interior. Vehicles and material will be transported from Drammen to Østerdalen by train and by road, states the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.

On Thursday and Friday this week, several columns will be driven from Drammen (E18) through Oslo (E18/E6) towards Østerdalen (national highway 3 from Kolomoen). Expected passage through Oslo (subject to changes):

  • Thursday 25 April: In connection with rush hour.
  • Friday 26 April: midday.

In Germany, the Telemark battalion has, among other things, trained for combat in urban environments and built-up areas, which is important for the Armed Forces’ preparedness and Norwegian security. Read more in the link below.

Driving advice for road users

  • Military convoys travel more slowly than ordinary traffic, and there may be some temporary closures. Therefore, calculate extra driving time.
  • Military vehicles are large, but not so easy to spot. Remember that the blind spot is large.
  • Military convoys will be marked with a blue flag on the front vehicle, and a green flag on the rear. In the dark, the flags are replaced by blue and green light respectively. Military columns must be marked with a “Military column” sign both at the front and at the back of the column.

The article is in Norwegian


Tags: Warns military columns E18 Drammen


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