Today’s horoscope: – Today’s horoscope: Friday 10 May

Today’s horoscope: – Today’s horoscope: Friday 10 May
Today’s horoscope: – Today’s horoscope: Friday 10 May

HEvery day, our astrologer Sol will give you an insight into the future. Are you curious about love, work, finances, friends or perhaps family? Let your zodiac sign guide you. Pssst, here you will find our weekly horoscope.

Below you will find the horoscope for Friday 10 May.


Born: March 21–20 April

Uranus, the planet of sudden change, has taken over the show and you don’t mind. You like it when life offers adventure and excitement, and there is exactly that now. For those who are willing, the door is wide open and all one needs to do is walk through it. You may feel inspired by new hope and faith to try once more to achieve something you did not achieve on the first try. It could be that you and your partner find your way back to each other or that you start a study you didn’t complete. The common denominator is that you have gained the belief that it can go back.


Born: April 21–21 May

You may have realized that you can be your own worst enemy. It is the inner voice that always tells you that you cannot get it until you now try to come to life. These mental blocks are more visible than ever before, and although it’s frustrating, being aware of them is actually a sign that you’re closer to your goal than you realize. You will eventually learn to make braver choices. Choices that are better for you and that also take you further on the path of life, towards what you dream of. You can get what you want, you just have to believe in it. Don’t talk yourself down.

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Born: May 22–21 June

Friday may reveal that this will be a slightly unusual weekend. Uranus, the planet of sudden antics, radical shifts and exciting changes, has taken over the baton and is leading the field. This also happens in your sector of spirituality, so up can feel like down and what used to be completely normal can feel foreign. You are drawn towards the future and if you feel that you are standing still, this desire for something new will create a restlessness in you that cannot find expression. If you are restless and looking for something you don’t yet know what it is, give it all the time. You will find it.


Born: June 22–22 July

It is not easy to get a clear answer and if you relate to a person who constantly changes his mind and who is not the most stable person in the world, this can rub off on you and make you uneasy. It’s good to know what’s going on, but no matter how many times you ask, you won’t necessarily get clarity. People who don’t respond to messages until four hours have passed or who never pick up the phone can become tiring to deal with in the long run. It is not certain that this is what you need. As Kreps, you need people who put the phone down and are available. It gives you peace of mind.

These zodiac signs are best suited together


Born: July 23–23 August

It is not just a matter of shaking off everything that has happened. Some things run deeper than others and occasionally feelings will surface that you will have to take time to process. If you are in the habit of sweeping everything that is discomfort under the rug, it can pile up and turn into bitterness, and that is a bad option. Give yourself what you need. A good friend can prove to be the perfect sparring partner right now. You most likely have some common experiences and having a friend like that to share everything with is worth its weight in gold. You are ready to lift the mask and ready to also be a more vulnerable version of yourself.


Born: August 24–23 September

While the Moon wanders through a fairly rapidly changing terrain, your thoughts can take on a life of their own and there can be too much of a good thing. If you discover that you have thought about the same thing ninety times already before lunch, you may have to grab yourself by the neck and shake your thoughts off. If you analyze everything piecemeal, you can effectively block the much more subtle intuitive voice within you, and then the solution you seek may actually elude you. Breathe with your stomach and shake your body free from stress and tension. You are closer to the answer than you think.


Born: September 24–23 October

It’s almost like you’re sailing on a little cloud of happiness at the moment. The Moon dances through your sector of freedom and movement, and at the same time Venus wanders through your sector of commitment, and what you may discover is that when you are with those who know you well, you get both freedom and closeness. This is about giving each other full acceptance that even though you are close and close to each other, you also need time alone to really flourish. Friday can also offer social experiences that make you love life. Go out and have fun!


Born: October 24–22 November

After the storm, the sun always shines. And even if you had to say goodbye to something, new opportunities are now opening up that will make you shine like the sun, because it feels very deserved and it was really just missing. The moon sails through your sector of growth and development and if you have struggled for a long time to find the motivation to finish once and for all with something you have been doing for far too long, you will find it now. This is a show of power like no other and you will surely feel immensely proud of having taken back your power. Don’t spread yourself too thin and stay focused.


Born: November 23–21 December

The Moon sails through your relationship sector and it makes you extra wary and receptive to the influence of others. It may be that you pick up some feelings from others that can make you wonder if it was something you had said or done, but be careful the poster should sail in if you end up in that trap. The thing is, people mostly have enough to think about without anything to do with you, and yes, maybe you stomped on the piano and said things bluntly, but there’s not necessarily anything wrong with that. Don’t let your imagination take you on a journey where you start taking things too seriously.


Born: December 22–20 January

Friday’s atmosphere inspires you to find peace in your own cave, close to those you love. Everything that gives you security and closeness nourishes you, and if there has been a lot of work and duty lately, you will absorb it like a flower that opens up to the sunlight. Those who know you really well, you can also relax with and now you go for the least possible stress. If you are invited out, you will discover that everything you are looking for at the moment can be found there. That sense of belonging is worth its weight in gold and what you may realize is how grateful you are for all those you love. This is the day for good hugs.


Born: 21 January–18 February

It pays to think like a child sometimes. As an Aquarian, you are alert and self-aware and you may have a tendency to stop yourself just when it matters, but if you manage to turn a deaf ear to your inner self-critic and are able to express yourself spontaneously, you can actually convey something of great importance right now. Today’s cosmos helps you to act without analyzing everything in pieces and this kind of spontaneous creativity can help to loosen a blockage that has been bothering you. Sometimes you just have to close your eyes, step into the unknown and trust that everything will be fine.

There is one mistake in particular that people make when hanging pictures on the wall. Interior architect Tone Kroken and presenter Benedicte Wessel-Holst from the podcast “Interiørrådet” show you how to avoid it!
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Born: February 19–20 March

While the Moon sails through your sector of feelings and your own needs, you must now communicate the things you are thinking about without putting two fingers between them. It is straight forward that applies and it may surprise you that you speak from the heart without being worried or analyzing too much, but this really speeds things up and if you have needed progress you will perhaps realize that it was you who stood on the brakes and no one else. While Mars rushes through your sector of self-esteem, it fires you up with courage and will, and then it takes a lot before you are thrown off balance.

This training is right for you

The article is in Norwegian

Tags: Todays horoscope Todays horoscope Friday


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