Today’s horoscope: – Today’s horoscope: Thursday 2 May

Today’s horoscope: – Today’s horoscope: Thursday 2 May
Today’s horoscope: – Today’s horoscope: Thursday 2 May

HEvery day, our astrologer Sol will give you an insight into the future. Are you curious about love, work, finances, friends or perhaps family? Let your zodiac sign guide you. Pssst, here you will find our weekly horoscope.

Below you will find the horoscope for Thursday 2 May.


Born: March 21–20 April

You reap from previous efforts and this helps to motivate you to do even more. Thinking big and trusting that you have the capacity to cope with all the challenges that come along the way often comes from previous experiences and acquired knowledge. If you have seen that you have stood in demanding situations and managed to improvise your way to the finish line once, you will also feel that it will happen again. The ball is rolling and what you set in motion a while ago is now at the end of the road. It’s time to enjoy the result before setting off again.


Born: April 21–21 May

Soft power is a term that refers to the feminine and the softer approach to life. Sometimes it’s no use pushing to get your way, but you need to sit back more and let things come to you rather than chasing. If you are used to being independent and doing everything yourself, this can be difficult, but Taurus is a deeply feminine sign that often creates through attraction and not through hunting. You need to do exactly this today. Stand in your center and be sure that what you need will come to you.


Born: May 22–21 June

You can be logical and rational in the most dramatic situations, and exactly this quality comes in handy today. As both the Sun and Venus move through your sector of spirituality, you carry with you an inner peace and love that acts as a cheering advice for others. At the same time, you manage to see a demanding situation from several sides and you don’t lose your mouth when you have to explain yourself. As long as you know you’re right, it takes a lot to tip you off the stick. Today you show leadership and do not allow yourself to be drawn into unnecessary nonsense.


Born: June 22–22 July

Relationships take work. Your responsibility is to ensure that you are aware of your emotional baggage to the extent possible. No one comes unscathed and if you have been through a relationship that hurt you, it is not inconceivable that this will now be rekindled thanks to something that happens between you and someone else. But even if you feel vulnerable, you also know that this is about trust and that a good relationship can withstand confrontation and open dialogue. Be honest with the person concerned and show that you take responsibility for any misunderstandings you may have caused.

These zodiac signs are best suited together


Born: July 23–23 August

Sometimes the only enemy you have is the one between your ears. Your own way of thinking can now stand in the way of you seeing all the possibilities. If you only see everything that is difficult and you tell yourself that it is unfair, overwhelming and impossible to achieve, it can be thought that you subscribe to a kind of victim mentality that just gets in the way. If you don’t get the help you thought you should get, this can also help you start thinking in that direction, but it helps very little. There are good explanations, but don’t let them act as excuses for not doing something.


Born: August 24–23 September

Both Mars and Venus communicate with Pluto, the planet of development, healing and transformation, so this is not the time to sweep things under the rug. It can be felt that now it is serious and it is best to strike while the iron is hot. Here there is no time to waste and today’s cosmos demands that you take things head on and trust that you can improvise even if you may lack knowledge and experience. If you step in and help a good friend in need, it will come back to you in abundance. Everything you share circles around eventually as long as you are able to receive.


Born: September 24–23 October

Today’s cosmos can offer positive surprises and the wind can turn quite quickly in your favour. It is most likely thanks to your own curious radar that leads you down a path where you examine different options and try to find out what opportunity you have. In another way, it may be that you learn something new and this makes you want to learn even more. This dynamic day can show you that there are many paths to your goal and that it doesn’t have to be what you thought it had to be. Creative solutions often pop into your head when you least expect it.


Born: October 24–22 November

It’s rare to find people who don’t have a block or two they’re managing with and which disrupts the creative flow. Scorpio is a sign that goes deep into itself to find answers, and then you also stumble over your own creative barriers, and not least also the reason for their existence. You are a passionate being who may have heard that sometimes you need to tone down your intensity and this may have led to a block. Does it matter what others think about your way of being? You need to let yourself out of this idea that there is something wrong with you.


Born: November 23–21 December

There is a difference between giving up and giving up. Sometimes the external forces are too strong for one person alone and that wall that you would like to tear down, it stays up no matter how much strength you use. The moon sails through your sector of security, family and belonging, and what you have probably realized when it comes to your own children, parents or partner, is that they have at least as strong a will as what you have. After all, you are family. This can be a bit frustrating to say the least, but if you take a step back and let go you will find that you find a deeper peace.


Born: December 22–20 January

It’s not always easy to land and manage to calm down after a hectic day, and if you tend to stay up late into the night planning, thinking and pondering, you should be a little extra aware of this tendency today. The moon sails through your sector of self-esteem and a person who very easily gives you the feeling that there is something that is not good enough can make you wonder what it is that makes you unable to completely calm down around that person. Are you afraid of being judged or do you need recognition from this particular person? Don’t give away your power to those who are too critical.


Born: 21 January–18 February

Today’s cosmos is a bit unstable and the cosmic wind can change at a rapid pace, which can stir up some fear and uncertainty in you. The perfect plan may need to be adapted to reality and if something has come up that makes you have to reconsider the whole thing, do it. There is always a solution, even if you can’t see it yet. In another way, today’s wave can wake you out of a kind of stupor. If you have been in your own routine for too long and everything has become monotonous and boring, you will now find the inspiration to break out of it. You must have change to thrive!


Born: February 19–20 March

It can be very stingy to go through something you’ve written before or hear your own voice on a recording. It almost feels fake. That there is something that is not you, or the whole of you. And that is primarily because while you are in the flow and saying what you say, you are there one hundred percent. It is quite real then and there. Afterwards, it can be small, strange and a little embarrassing. You are renovating the relationship you have with yourself at the moment, and then you have to be tolerant, avoid judging yourself and accept that sometimes you are not quite the person you feel you really are deep down.

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