Debate, Speech | Meeting tomorrow’s challenges with more hands

Debate, Speech | Meeting tomorrow’s challenges with more hands
Debate, Speech | Meeting tomorrow’s challenges with more hands

Reader’s letter This is a debate entry, written by an external contributor. The post expresses the writer’s views.

Deputy mayor Gina Merethe Johnsen’s statement in the newspaper 7/3-24 about the main initiative “Morgendagens home services” gave me an idea and thoughts about some of the challenges that lie close to us as residents of Larvik municipality, and how some measures may be relevant as part of the solution.

There are certainly both thoughts and processes already underway. The deputy mayor was clear and acknowledged in the mentioned post,

“that it is crucial that more people can stay at home for as long as possible, as it will not be possible to build nursing home places in line with the increase in the number of elderly people, neither financially nor in terms of the need for staff.

Larvik municipality wants a dialogue with the residents going forward, in order to create a common understanding of the future challenges, and how they can be solved together.”

The demographic forecasts show that the proportion of elderly people will increase considerably in the coming years. The proportion of people of working age, compared to the proportion aged 67 and over, will decrease. This means, among other things, that there will be increased competition for future labour, both in the public and private sectors. Many employers will then compete for the same resources. At the same time, there is a large proportion who do not participate in working life or take an education.

Meeting the challenges of the future for Larvik municipality, which alone must solve both the statutory and at the same time meet the expectations of non-statutory service tasks, will be demanding. Several people must be able to contribute to solving this together. A future project that involves the municipality, the local business community and the citizens will, taken as a whole, be a powerful group of expertise and resources that can work out several good solutions.

The first thing that needs to be done is to agree that you have some common challenges, and that you want to solve them together. A common value for all.

There are many older people, seniors and pensioners who certainly can, and still want to take part in working life, either full-time or part-time, or by being voluntary resources. Together with many of those who are outside working life, they collectively constitute a great potential and an unused resource of expertise.

Today, there are several actors who make a great and valuable effort to ensure that as many people as possible can take part in working life. They must be encouraged. However, it is certainly possible with a more comprehensive, coordinated and broader effort that could include even more.

■ There are several areas in which measures/collaboration can be prepared – some examples:

■ The home service and care

■ Innovation and technical development aimed at different target groups

■ Offer support and activities for those living in their own home/care facility

■ Social meeting places and activities

■ Transport services

■ More apprenticeships/facilitation of employment opportunities for those outside the working world

■ Work training/vocational education through companies and the municipal sector

■ Create arenas for an active lifestyle in old age

■ Use of the elderly and seniors as a resource

■ Make arrangements for more people to stay at work longer

■ Voluntary resource groups

Overall, the elderly, seniors and pensioners can be a valuable contribution to society through their experience, knowledge, commitment and contribution to various parts of social life. That, together with those who are outside working life, will overall be important contributors and resources to be able to solve some of tomorrow’s challenges.

These challenges require a comprehensive approach from the authorities, business and society in general to ensure a sustainable and fair solution to the problems associated with an aging population and fewer working people.

Good local initiatives and solutions can also contribute to state support.

The Pensioners’ Party works to create a society that is better for everyone to live in.

The Pensioners Party’s credo is: Joy of life, future and public health.

These are words and expressions that should stand up and could be a good guideline.

The article is in Norwegian

Tags: Debate Speech Meeting tomorrows challenges hands


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