Open sources MS-DOS 4.0 after 40 years


Microsoft has released MS-DOS 4.0 as open source under the MIT license on GitHub, along with versions 1.25 and 2.0 that were released six years ago. That’s what Microsoft’s Scott Hanselman and Jeff Wilcox write in a blog post.

For those of the readers who are so young that they don’t know MS-DOS, it was the text-based PC operating system us “oldies” grew up with in the 80s and a bit into the 90s, before Windows took over – in start as a GUI on top of DOS.

– This code has an important place in history, and is fascinating to read as an operating system that was written entirely in 8086 assembly code almost 45 years ago, write Hanselman and Wilcox in the blog post.

Version 4.0 of MS-DOS is particularly interesting historically, as it dates from the time when IBM and Microsoft collaborated on the OS/2 operating system – before the collaboration came to a standstill and the two companies went their separate ways.

MS-DOS 4.0 can now be downloaded from GitHub.


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