Today’s horoscope: Wednesday 24 April

Today’s horoscope: Wednesday 24 April
Today’s horoscope: Wednesday 24 April

HEvery day, our astrologer Sol will give you an insight into the future. Are you curious about love, work, finances, friends or perhaps family? Let your zodiac sign guide you. Pssst, here you will find our weekly horoscope.

Below you will find the horoscope for Wednesday 24 April.


Born: March 21–20 April

The Moon sails through your sector of psychology and it can awaken a need to get help, be supported or work together with others to achieve goals. What you yourself cannot do, someone else can, and even if you as an Aries often think that you have to manage everything yourself, you are now a bit more humble in relation to the fact that you cannot necessarily manage everything yourself. And the fact that you now recognize this need can almost feel like a victory, especially if you have had trouble asking for help and accepting what others have to contribute.


Born: April 21–21 May

Today’s full moon puts an important topic on the agenda, one about autonomy and independence. If you have become too dependent on another person or you experience that others are extremely dependent on you, this will become very clear right now. Everything has a price and if you have avoided bringing up a difficult topic because you do not want to disturb the balance between you and another, this may backfire on you now. It’s one thing to cooperate with others, it’s another when things either go your way or people around you start to take you for granted. Do not sew pillows under the arms of others.


Born: May 22–21 June

Sometimes you have to think like a child, i.e. don’t think too much. Today’s full moon awakens your sector for creativity, play and romance and if something is stirring deep down, it can be incredibly healthy for you to express it in one way or another. If there is someone you love and you want to share your feelings, today’s cosmos can help you get out of your own head and into your feelings. Not everything can be solved from the mental side and often the answer is simpler than you think. Avoid complicating things unnecessarily and listen to your heart.


Born: June 22–22 July

Good planning is the key to success. Today’s full moon awakens your sector for creativity and this can be a good day to get an overview of all the details that need to be put in place, take time to plan despite the fact that something always gets in the way and don’t lose sight of your own priorities out of sight. The planet of action Mars is under pressure from the planet of chaos, Neptune, so keep your tongue in your mouth and don’t let go of your boundaries no matter how much it tempts you. When things go fast in the corners, it is extra important to give yourself time.

These zodiac signs are best suited together


Born: July 23–23 August

Today’s full moon hits you on your home turf and a conflict can arise that involves you having to solve a small time crunch you’ve put yourself in and that goes beyond other duties and responsibilities you have. It is no easy matter to disappoint others, but this is also a situation from which you can learn a lot, and not least, an opportunity to break out of a pattern that has stressed you for a long time. No one is completely by day and completely by night, and even for a Leo who is full of life, there can be too much of a good thing. If you take this challenge and create a change, you are guaranteed a feeling of real growth.


Born: August 24–23 September

There is a full moon in the air and this awakens your curiosity and desire to learn something that really creates growth. If you are at full speed into a study or feel like taking a course, today’s cosmic wave will be an inspiration. Without your top lid being stimulated, life becomes a little extra gray and boring, but if you tend to reject everything that is new and exciting, life now invites you to be open-minded and not judge a book by its cover. It’s fine to be selective, but don’t be dismissive. Then you can miss something very nice.


Born: September 24–23 October

There is a full moon in your fertility and abundance sector and something you have spent a lot of time and effort on can now finally pay off. It is fun to build a life and it is incredibly satisfying to see that the goals you have set for yourself are also achievable with enough effort. It could be that you pick up an old hobby or take time to enjoy yourself with a creative pursuit and this is a good reminder of what really gives you energy and value. If you’ve struggled with motivation lately, look back at everything you’ve achieved and don’t get hung up on everything you feel you’re missing.


Born: October 24–22 November

Today’s full moon falls in your sign and it can therefore feel like a slightly above average intense day. There is something moving inside you that awakens a need to protect yourself from other people’s opinions, influence and influence. What you care about is something you see as your private affairs and nobody else’s business, but that doesn’t stop people from trying. If you feel that you go on the defensive and get irritated, there may be a deeper insecurity in you. Do you have the overview and control you say you have or do you need to open up to receive help?


Born: November 23–21 December

Today’s full moon awakens your sector for spirituality and retreat, and even though it’s hectic, you need to draw your attention away from your surroundings and focus on your own life and the way forward. When something unexpected comes in the way of your plans, this naturally challenges your faith, and if you are going through an ever-so-slight existential crisis, it may be because right now everything is on uneven ground and it is difficult to see further forward than one day at a time. And that may be exactly what you have to accept. Take one day at a time.


Born: December 22–20 January

It’s a long way to the top and now you get to feel it first hand. You may not have far to go before you reach your goal, but the last leg is often more tiring than fun. Capricorn is a mountain climber and doesn’t give up until the goal is reached is reached, and you may know from experience that the last, little bit tests all you have of trust and faith, but it goes in the end. Take time to recover and don’t let little things that don’t go as planned stress you out. Keep your ambitions where they should be. It’s a full moon and everything can feel a bit violent without actually being.


Born: 21 January–18 February

Today’s full moon contributes to the impression that Aquarius is going through a big change this week. It is something that has been completed and this is directly linked to the opening of new doors. The fact that you can finally turn your attention away from something that has taken an enormous amount of time and effort helps make this an inspired and creative day. If you have not taken care of your body as you need it, now is your chance to do so. It could also be your finances that get a boost and you can finally start planning your holiday or make the investments you need.


Born: February 19–20 March

Today’s full moon awakens your sector of philosophy and understanding and what you may realize is that what your parents admonished may not have been so stupid after all. Even if you are now an adult and think independently, it is still not certain that you will listen to those who have walked the path before. If you think the whole mentality is outdated and have gone your own way, now there is something that makes you wonder if they might not have been right after all. The conservative route isn’t always the dumbest, and while Venus is in your sector of your own resources, it might pay to think about yourself first.

This training is right for you

The article is in Norwegian

Tags: Todays horoscope Wednesday April


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