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“The daily revue feature with Amrit Kaur was not Saturday entertainment”

Knut Magnus Berge, editor NRK Nyheter Photo: Anne Liv Ekroll, NRK

No, Bernt Hagtvet, Dagsrevyen’s feature with Amrit Kaur was not Saturday entertainment.

Published: 25/04/2024 11:15 | Updated: 25/04/2024 13:26

This is a debate post. Any opinions expressed in the text are the responsibility of the writer. If you want to participate in the debate, you can read how here.

20-year-old Amrit Kaur was elected as the new leader of Raud Ungdom last weekend. And the debate was on. Was it a coup or a democratic election of a new tenant, possibly both?

What does she stand for, what happens in Raudt’s youth organisation? The election of Kaur was widely and critically covered by the Norwegian press, including NRK. Kaur had to answer for herself in news stories and in debate – among other things in Politisk Kvarter and against Fpu leader Simen Velle in Dagsnytt 18.

So who is this 20-year-old who started all the noise? That was the starting point for the Saturday portrait, a genre that allows for the use of slightly different tools than the news reportage. A tool that has proven effective in expanding the overall image of a person.

It was not Saturday entertainment or “chatter”, as Bernt Hagtvet writes in Aftenposten. In the case, Kaur must answer for her views on communism, armed revolution and Hamas.

Tools other than the revolver interview can also be used to bring out what Kaur stands for.

A well-worn saying in journalism is “show, don’t tell”, and it is in this tradition that the portrait stands. There is also journalism.

Because the portrait is more subtle, it comes closer. How deep does the political analysis go? To what extent does this newly elected 20-year-old constitute a political threat, as is being claimed? I believe that the report in Laurdagsrevyen sheds light on both issues.

Could we do a similar report with a neo-Nazi? Hagtvedt asks rhetorically.

No, I have a hard time seeing that.

There is a difference between covering what is happening with the youth organization of a party that is represented in the Norwegian National Assembly, and for example letting go of persons who speak out against Norwegian law.

The article is in Norwegian

Tags: daily revue feature Amrit Kaur Saturday entertainment

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