A major attack hits wine and spirits in Norway: – It’s completely stopped


Deliveries of wine and spirits in both Norway and Sweden have been affected as a result of an extensive hacking attack against the logistics company Skanlog.

Skanlog has a number of Norwegian wine agents as customers, including Torstein Østenstad at the riesling specialist Record Vinimport, writes Dagens Næringsliv.

– The status now is that nothing goes out to Vinmonopolet. Customer orders are delayed ten days, and everything is now done manually, says Østenstad.

“Full Stop”

He says that it is particularly challenging for the wine that will be released at the big wine release at the beginning of May. The attack against the Scandinavian logistics company Skanlog started on the night of 21 April.

Aftenposten mentioned the case first in Norway.

“Unfortunately, it is at a standstill,” confirms general manager Rune Repstad of Det Norske Brenneri to Dagens Næringsliv.

– We have a number of novelties on the way that will go on sale at the beginning of May, but right now we can’t even get the goods registered. It is a terrible shame both for us and all the other customers of Skanlog, he says.

Wednesday 7 June 2023

20 percent of the volume

Swedish media write that the country’s liquor shelves may run out this week.

Community contact Halvor Bing Lorentzen in Vinmonopolet says that the situation in Norway is different because Skanlog does not have as large a market share here.

– We have three distributors, of which Skanlog is the smallest and accounts for around 20 per cent of our volume. So there is no danger of empty shelves. But it is clear that if this takes time before they can solve the challenges, we will be able to run out of individual products, he says.

Wednesday 12 August 2020

The article is in Norwegian


Tags: major attack hits wine spirits Norway completely stopped


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