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Today’s horoscope: Saturday 27 April

Aries 21/3-19/4

If you have time off today, spend as much time as possible outdoors. It will be a fun and enriching day where you are happy to embark on adventures outside your usual comfort zone. The evening is about family or friends. You enjoy being together.

Taurus 20/4-20/5

Today there are many balls in the air. You seem busy with a family activity or some kind of event. Although it will be a fun day that goes by quickly, you feel a little guilty about things you should have done this Saturday, but didn’t get around to.

Gemini 21/5-20/6

Saturday is literally about digging in the ground with your hands. You want to go out into nature and feel spring. If you have a garden or outdoor area, you like to tidy up there. The evening is about showing respect for a person who is older and more experienced than you.

Cancer 21/6-22/7

To get what you want today, you have to take a few extra chances and dare a little more. Cancer is a cautious soul who rarely takes chances, but today you will get the best result if you dare to think differently. The evening is about friends, good food and deep conversations.

Leo 23/7-22/8

On Saturday, a lot of positive energy comes in from fire, and it gives you both energy and the will to do something special this weekend. Whatever activities you take up, you enter them with 100%. You show exactly how passionate you can be.

Virgo 8/23-9/22

Saturday is about spending time with those closest to you, whether it’s family or some friends. It will be a day where you enjoy being surrounded by people who know you well. You don’t have to be in any particular way, you just be present. The evening will be pleasant and bring news about a relative.

Libra 23/9-22/10

Saturday is about giving away something you really value. It doesn’t have to be an item; it could be something more personal like private information or your time. You do this because you want to give to someone who means a lot to you, but also because you feel you owe them something.

Scorpio 23/10-21/11

Today you feel chosen or are chosen in a specific context. It could be a competition, that you get more responsibility at work, or simply that you might be invited to a party or dinner by people who are very particular about who they hang out with. You become proud and happy and feel special.

Sagittarius 22/11-21/12

Today you are trying to get away, either just for the day or maybe the whole weekend. It’s about thinking new things and finding inspiration. This is something you don’t want to do alone; you bring with you a person who understands your unique way of thinking. Together you will have a wonderful day.

Capricorn 22/12-19/1

The demands for performance and the stress are high, but thanks to your insight on Thursday, you handle the whole situation in an exemplary manner. You know that the key to success lies in having fun, not worrying so much. Today you show how much you have matured mentally recently.

Aquarius 20/1-18/2

You spend a lot of time outdoors, and today is no exception. If the weather is nice, it can be a whole day of outdoor activities, otherwise you alternate between doing things inside. The day is about the family and being active together. It will be a wonderful Saturday.

Pisces 19/2-20/3

Today you find yourself in a situation where you have to talk to a complete stranger. You realize that this person is both interesting and funny, just to your taste. If you are brave, you can propose to meet again; if not, it will only be a pleasant memory of your spontaneous encounter.

The article is in Norwegian

Tags: Todays horoscope Saturday April

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