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Today’s horoscope: Saturday 27 April

HEvery day, our astrologer Sol will give you an insight into the future. Are you curious about love, work, finances, friends or perhaps family? Let your zodiac sign guide you. Pssst, here you will find our weekly horoscope.

Below you will find the horoscope for Saturday 27 April.


Born: March 21–20 April

Even if there is something tempting, stick your finger in the ground and wait. What may look like a very positive solution may turn out to be anything but. It may be your tendency to become impatient that now makes you reach for easy solutions, but mostly such shortcuts turn into a giant detour when everything is weighed up and measured. Your planet Mars is today under pressure from the planet of chaos, Neptune, and what you feel tempted to do is the opposite of what you should most likely do. Deep down you hear the voice of reason. Follow it. You can wait.


Born: April 21–21 May

The Moon is sailing through your sector of transformation and healing, and there is something very deep within you that is now being worked through the system. Perhaps you are preparing for a transition and have to say goodbye to something that has meant an enormous amount to you for quite some time. Perhaps one of the children is moving out, the relationship you are in requires a change or the job is no longer sustainable. All these affect you emotionally and they need nurturing. If you’re in the middle of a transition, give yourself time to feel what’s moving inside, don’t run away from it.


Born: May 22–21 June

A difficult decision can eat up your time. You’ve been here before and may realize that doubt is a real time thief. Action planet Mars is currently close to chaos planet Neptune, so it’s not inconceivable that your inability to commit is about your fear of being inspired by something that later turns out to be an illusion. So the planets call for caution, but this particular choice you face may not be postponed. Give yourself until tomorrow or Monday and put it away. Let the answer come to you.


Born: June 22–22 July

It is as if a new journey is beginning. You are about to learn something new and then you have to take into account that you will make some beginner’s mistakes. This is about trial and error until you find out what works, and during this period it is important to be patient with yourself and not expect the impossible. Nobody can do everything at once, and you need a little extra time to be able to process all the small and big feelings that arise in the process. But what the cosmos also reveals is that you are actually ready. As ready as you can be. And that alone is fabulous. Follow what inspires you.

These zodiac signs are best suited together


Born: July 23–23 August

While Mars and Neptune sail in the same puddle and through your sector of psychology, something is constantly making you doubt what is the right thing to do. There may be external factors that are now stopping you in relation to other plans, but it must be dealt with, and the sooner, the better. Therefore, you now need time to sort out your priorities. If you can do something, do something, but if that lane is blocked by something much bigger, make sure you put other things on hold until this has cleared. It will work out, but it always takes a little more time than expected.


Born: August 24–23 September

This weekend is marked by Mars and Neptune and today the Moon also interferes in the discussion, which can make you wonder if it is you who has misunderstood or if you are actually right and can trust your intuition. Someone who is very good at talking for himself can make you believe something that is completely wrong and that person uses his influence completely wrongly, so keep your tongue straight and don’t get dragged into other people’s drama and gossip. You need solid boundaries right now, and you won’t know how solid they are until you test them.


Born: September 24–23 October

Mercury is out of its retrograde phase and something that has characterized the atmosphere in recent weeks is now possible to convey in a good way. If there has been something that has been bothering you and that you have thought about for a long time, you are now at the essence and able to understand exactly what it was that was so demanding about it all. It’s very nice because then you can also talk about it without derailing. A good conversation with someone you love can clear up all the so-called misunderstandings and the two of you will find yourself back on a harmonious and good note. It can also be an inner conflict that dissolves and you find peace.


Born: October 24–22 November

If you have had a real upswing lately and have seen that you have achieved what you wanted, today’s cosmic wave can feel like an ever-so-slight downturn. Of course, it all depends on your ambitions, because right now the will is not quite on par and it could be that your body needs a day without stressing, fixing or doing so much. You simply have to have a chill day where you put away everything called should, had to and should, and rather go at a slow pace. Mars and Neptune are playing on the same team now and invite you to go with the flow rather than swim against it.


Born: November 23–21 December

You need people who are optimistic, see the possibilities and who believe in themselves and in their lives around you. As soon as you encounter a pessimist who only sees faults and shortcomings, you are drained of the forces that mean the most to a Sagittarius, namely faith and enthusiasm. Both Mars, Saturn and Neptune are in your sector of emotions, so it is possible that you are more vulnerable and receptive to other people’s feelings at the moment, and then it is extra important to be aware of the people you surround yourself with. You are not immune to negativity and if you are aware of that, you will more easily navigate today’s wave.


Born: December 22–20 January

When you don’t quite see the solution, it may be because you are unable to think outside the box. Sometimes only the imagination sets the limits, and while Mars and Neptune are on the same wavelength in your sector of logic and communication, it’s not inconceivable that the answer you’re looking for lies somewhere completely different from where you’re looking. It may be right in front of your nose, but then you might think that it is far too simple. Listen to your intuition right now. It acts as a radar at the moment and this is where you can really find the gold.


Born: 21 January–18 February

If you get too ambitious and try to get everything done in one day, the house of cards will fall. It is not entirely easy to set good boundaries while Mars and Neptune wreak havoc together in your sector for your own resources and even if you are creatively inclined, the day has its own limitation in relation to how many hours there are. If you have also found out that you have to help everyone who comes your way, the time crunch can become even tighter. The Moon is whizzing through your sector of the future, so it’s no wonder things can’t go fast enough. Slow down hard and be careful not to burn the entire engine at once.


Born: February 19–20 March

There is a saying in English which, loosely translated, is: “two wrongs do not make a right” and it is about not answering with the same coin. Not if you want good development. It can be tempting and it’s very understandable, but as a Pisces you have to live with yourself and your actions, so it just doesn’t do you any good to respond in the same way. It doesn’t feel good. Once again, you have to be the bigger person and turn the other cheek, but remember that you are actually doing it for your own inner peace. Those who do wrong must live with themselves after all.

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The article is in Norwegian

Tags: Todays horoscope Saturday April

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