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Today’s horoscope: Friday, April 26

HEvery day, our astrologer Sol will give you an insight into the future. Are you curious about love, work, finances, friends or perhaps family? Let your zodiac sign guide you. Pssst, here you will find our weekly horoscope.

Below you will find the horoscope for Friday 26 April.


Born: March 21–20 April

You must listen to yourself and make an independent choice, i.e. a choice that does not include all kinds of external considerations. It can seem rather heartless, because you have a warm heart for many people, but in this particular choice it is absolutely necessary that you do not let yourself be influenced too much. It is a difficult balancing act, because you have to make room for what is your duty and your responsibility, while at the same time you have to think about your most fundamental needs. It is a demanding balancing act, but you will find a solution if you dare to make an unorthodox choice. Good advice is expensive.


Born: April 21–21 May

It might be a good idea to keep a button on your sanity right now. You are mostly quite pragmatic and often perhaps not very open to being influenced by external forces, but you also have an Achilles’ heel and it will be trained today. What you are now tempted to do is a reflection of an underlying desire that has not been nurtured for a long time, and it cannot be swept under the rug forever. But the fact that it now drives you down a path where you can fall for a temptation is perhaps not the best. The first is often not the right one. Wait, and try to be as honest as possible about your authentic needs.


Born: May 22–21 June

Sometimes it pays not to think too much, and this is one such case. You have to dare to step into the unknown without giving it all meaning or cultivating fear. If you have previous experiences of being a little too optimistic and naive, you may know that you worry that this will be something similar, but the probability of it being like that is small. Your planet Mercury is now out of its retrograde phase and the way forward is opening up. Something is coming loose and this gives you the opportunity to start something you have been planning for a long time. Now it just has to be done.


Born: June 22–22 July

If you let your imagination take over, this can quickly become a day where it becomes difficult to separate reality from illusions. Temptations are always plentiful, but now they are abundant, and even if you think you want something, experience may have shown you that what you think you want is not necessarily what you actually need. With Mars, Saturn and Neptune all active in your sector of faith and philosophy, you may not be fully trusting yourself at the moment. And it may be a good idea to stop and ask some questions in relation to your own expectations. All that glitters is not gold, so give yourself some time.

These zodiac signs are best suited together


Born: July 23–23 August

Motivating yourself to go that last little mile isn’t easy when your energy isn’t working as a team. There may have been a lot in so many different arenas that have taken your strength lately and at the same time there is something in the back of your mind that pushes you on. Maybe you need more order and need to clear out all loose ends so you can concentrate on what really matters. Action planet Mars is rather fussy in your sector of psychology, so you may have to force yourself to get started. You are closer to the finish line than you think. Just a little more.


Born: August 24–23 September

It is very wise to look both to the right and to the left before you now struggle across the road and into work. Mars, the planet of action, and Neptune, the planet of chaos, are now sailing at the same latitude through your relationship sector, and the influence that comes from others can affect you more than you realize. So slow down and don’t gap too much. And by all means, say no as much as possible. When these two wreak havoc together, it is easy to be convinced of something that is just nonsense, so don’t let other people’s persuasive tone tip you off center.


Born: September 24–23 October

It takes a bit to be able to regulate the violent forces that are now raging in the cosmos. It could be you who are stressed or you are very influenced by those around you and then it can all drain you of energy or cause your fuse to not be long enough. It’s not easy to say no and you want to live up to other people’s expectations, but at the same time it can make you angry and angry, and then it simply boils over. But, better before then than soon, as the saying goes. If you accept that things are boiling over, it will also be easier to find calm and discipline to take one thing at a time.


Born: October 24–22 November

There is a lot that is loosening up for you at the moment and it means that you no longer lie awake and think about everything you have to fix and the worries don’t eat you up and create stress. It is quite possible that you have found some form of security even if you are moving outside your comfort zone and have taken some chances that you normally wouldn’t. He who does not dare wins nothing, and when you want something you also have to pay the price of taking a risk. Anyone who manages to surf demanding waves knows that there are no limits to how far you can go. It’s okay that it storms as long as you stand firm.


Born: November 23–21 December

It is difficult to get completely to the finish with nuts alone. Although driving solo gives you considerable freedom, you are now willing to sacrifice some of it and cooperate with others. You can do a lot alone, but you can achieve twice as much if there are more hands helping. If asking for help is a long way off, think about all the times you have helped and how easy it was for you to say yes. It is quite possible that you have far too much on your own shoulders, so you have to delegate some of the responsibility that is not yours.


Born: December 22–20 January

Capricorn is often the adult in the room and one who often ends up having to help those who are not always able to stand on their own two feet, but now it’s as if the roles are switched around and you get an opportunity to be the one standing in others’ end and accepts help. It can feel uncomfortable if you are not used to this, but it is actually enormously instructive and, not least, very important that you allow yourself to be a little vulnerable. It is a great victory to be able to admit to yourself that you cannot do everything. Don’t think you owe anything back. Accept absolutely unconditionally.


Born: 21 January–18 February

Mercury is finally out of its retrograde dump and something you have processed has led you to eliminate several thinking errors and now you are left with the essence. Being able to really see people as they are or being able to understand yourself on a compassionate level is the key here. If you have had certain ideas that do not correspond to reality, you will see what it was that you misunderstood. If more people have appeared recently that you had contact with in the past, you will understand why you no longer feel like being with them. You think completely differently than you once did.


Born: February 19–20 March

While the Moon sails in the opposite sign to Jupiter and Uranus, this can quickly become a very emotional day where it is difficult to put a full stop and emotions can flow without regulation. There are some such tidal waves that cannot be avoided and if you need time to feel what it is that awakens both ecstatic states of love and deep despair and fear, give yourself that time. While emotions run wild like this, it’s not an ideal day to make decisions. Everything is colored by your emotions and then it is not easy to see what is what. Give yourself time.

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The article is in Norwegian

Tags: Todays horoscope Friday April

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