Today’s horoscope: Sunday 5 May

Today’s horoscope: Sunday 5 May
Today’s horoscope: Sunday 5 May

HEvery day, our astrologer Sol will give you an insight into the future. Are you curious about love, work, finances, friends or perhaps family? Let your zodiac sign guide you. Pssst, here you will find our weekly horoscope.

Below you will find the horoscope for Sunday 5 May.


Born: March 21–20 April

It is a good idea to keep your tongue completely straight in your mouth today. The moon rushes into your sign and it picks up the revs strongly. Your own feelings can quickly get in the way of good communication and if misunderstandings arise, it could be that you are assuming something that is not entirely in line with reality. If you are in a relationship and the two of you disagree about how things should be done, it can seem almost impossible to pretend that it doesn’t matter right now. Slow down and regain control before adding further momentum to a flame that is already burning well enough.


Born: April 21–21 May

If you want to get ahead, you have to shake off everything called low self-esteem. If you weren’t so strict with yourself, you wouldn’t have this low self-esteem either. If you are very self-critical, this can prevent you from taking chances or seizing the opportunities life offers. You are most likely capable of much more than you give yourself credit for. If you interpret something that was said in the worst light, there is a chance that you are actually wrong. Your own imagination gets mixed up in the inner dialogue and then you misunderstand the signs. You are worth more than you can see.


Born: May 22–21 June

A mental block is about to lift in earnest. Something you never thought you could achieve is within reach and it can make you almost electric and excited. It is as if you have put away an inner enemy and can finally breathe freely. If you have worked on yourself and your inner life for a long time, there is a good chance that you are now on the threshold of a completely new chapter. Life mirrors this development and can throw at you opportunities that you previously saw as completely irrelevant for you to take part in. But now you’re ready. Ready to communicate straight from the heart, straight from the core.


Born: June 22–22 July

The Moon sails past Mars in your sector of ambition and you are ready to make some big decisions. It’s time. What you have experienced in the last month has meant that you have received enough information to be able to make an informed and solid choice, and although you may feel that you are judging a person too harshly, it is likely that you are right and you have taken careful intelligence on who you can trust and who deserves a place at the very heart of your circle. If it is a project at home, there is nothing more to wait for. You have all the answers you need.

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Born: July 23–23 August

Sharing unconditionally is about trusting that there is enough for everyone. If you hold your cards too close to your chest because you think no one wants to listen to your problems, you may be missing an opportunity to share honestly and equally with another. If it is a romantic relationship, it is not inconceivable that your partner will be very happy if you let them in closer. You need stability more than anything else right now, and so it may seem easier to sweep small things under the rug, but getting them out of your system will also help you feel more stable.


Born: August 24–23. September

If it were easy, you would have done it a long time ago. But some decisions are more difficult than others and there are good reasons why. There are many factors that must be taken into account in the calculation and it is not always that you get clear answers and guidelines. You almost just have to try your way and what you may realize then is that development is about experimenting and in that way finding out what works and what doesn’t. You’ll need a day or two to get to the bottom of this, so give yourself time.


Born: September 24–23 October

Today’s cosmos is a bit quarrelsome, impatient and quick on the trigger. While Mars is joined by the Moon in your sector of relationships, a person around you may radiate so much irritation that it is contagious. It’s not what people say that matters, it’s actually the way they say it, and you’re extremely alert to signals like that. You pick it up long before others realize what they’re up to, but at the moment you’re not interested in paying attention to everyone’s bad moods. Avoid ending up in eternal discussions and by all means, do not think for others. Let them think for themselves.


Born: October 24–22 November

With no less than three planets in your sector for work, routines and details, there is little you cannot achieve. As long as you get the peace to be able to concentrate, the rest works almost by itself. You have some qualities that now come in handy when you have to crack a code or try to figure out how to do something. This is the day to be proactive, and if you are single and looking for a partner, you may now realize that you have to actually go out and meet people in one way or another, if you are to meet new people. Don’t sit and wait.


Born: November 23–21 December

Financial security is important for the nerves. You know that money isn’t everything, but when the pile of bills keeps getting more and more expensive, it’s time to find the money-saving knife and cut back where there’s just unnecessary splashing of money. You’re good at it too, and you like that feeling of not having a worry in the world while you swipe your visa card. Today’s cosmos reminds you that you cannot allow yourself to become too dependent on others for survival. Those who contribute to your finances may go through a difficult phase and then you have to carry the load. Don’t live beyond your means.


Born: December 22–20 January

Now you’ve brushed off the dust that gathered while you were busy doing absolutely too much else. Time at home can have done wonders for your mood and even if the world is constantly clamoring for your participation, you get help from the Moon’s journey through your house, home and roots sector to close the door to the drag and for once, be a bit selfish and just take care of yourself and those you may be responsible for. The little things are what give you energy now, and you need fresh nourishment now. Don’t follow old tracks.


Born: 21 January–18 February

The time you have alone is precious. It is while the world calms down that the great insights tend to appear and today’s cosmic wave reveals that you have more than enough to process from impressions and experiences that have come like pearls on a string lately. Your sector of communication is in full bloom and this is more about an inner dialogue that takes up so much space in you that it can be difficult to hear what people are actually saying. Time alone, peace to think and being able to enjoy yourself at home is exactly what you need. Give yourself space.


Born: February 19–20 March

Life never sleeps and even on a Sunday you can experience what is at the core of your own life. What is most difficult for you. It doesn’t have to be anything big, but it’s about meeting a person who has a certain influence over you, even if you know it’s nonsense and that person really has nothing to show for it. In other words, there is no reason for you to give away your power, and yet it happens. You say yes instead of no. But it’s never too late to turn around, you too are allowed to change your mind. Dare to disappoint someone who clearly shows displeasure.

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The article is in Norwegian

Tags: Todays horoscope Sunday


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